Would you like to learn more about AGC’s? In this FAQ section you will find answers to the most common questions about AGC, as well as links to policies, handbooks and other important resources.
AGC Student Behavior Policy & Anti-Bullying Contract
AGC Attendance & Tardiness Policy
AGC School Food Exception Policy
AGC After School Programming Behavior Contract
CPS Student Rights & Responsibilities Booklet (Code of Conduct)
CPS Addressing Bullying and Bias-Based Behaviors Policy
CPS Absenteeism and Truancy Policy
ISBE's Understanding Type 1 Diabetes for Parents and Guardians
AGC IB PYP Academic Honesty Policy
Today and everyday, we honor and appreciate the land, water and air that is home to the Academy for Global Citizenship. We acknowledge all of the caretakers of this land:
The Council of Three Fires—the Ojibwa, Ottawa and Potawatomi—and those who were forcibly removed from their traditional homelands. The Miami, Ho-Chunk, Menominee, Sauk, Fox and Meskwaki and all other peoples who may have once resided here. The LeClaire Courts community who most recently called this place home. The generations of Earth guardians yet to come.
In addition to these recognitions, the students of AGC share the following commitments:
We promise to use the resources that nature provides us like the Peoples who came before us. Make this land healthy and green in order to respect the land, air, and water that nurtures us in this place. Use the land to relax, be calm, and take deep breaths. Enjoy the outdoors and be outside more.
As current caretakers of the land, we will protect the animals and share this place and space. We will observe insects and not kill them because they are important to this land.
We will create relationships with this land. Tell stories of learning and playing here. By learning the names of the plants and trees. We will always be connected to the land, and be thankful for it, in order to honor this space and place.
The Academy for Global Citizenship embraces its commitment to social, racial and environmental justice not only in these statements but by working to build connections with local residents and members of Chicago’s vibrant Native American community that continue to practice traditions in the area today.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, age, national origin, or disability.