As a non-profit organization, the Academy for Global Citizenship (AGC) has an elected Board of Directors (listed below) which provides guidance and governance oversight for AGC's leadership. AGC's Board of Directors meets every two months. Parents and staff are encouraged to observe Board of Directors meetings when convenient. On this page you can find minutes from recent board meetings as well as dates for upcoming meetings.
If you would like to sign up for public comment at an upcoming board meeting, please review the Guidelines for Public Participation at the Academy for Global Citizenship Charter School Board Meetings.
To foster equity of voice during the AGC Board meeting public comment periods, AGC's Board is instituting a speaker sign-up process. There are three spots available for three minutes each and those interested can sign up through this link.
The Board of Directors of the Academy for Global Citizenship Charter School has scheduled or held the following board meetings listed below.
Such meetings shall be open to the public except to the extent required or permitted by the Open Meetings Act. (Notice pursuant to the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120)).
If you would like to sign up for public comment at an upcoming board meeting, please review the Guidelines for Public Participation at the Academy for Global Citizenship Charter School Board Meetings.
February 18th at the Academy for Global Citizenship, 4942 W. 44th St. Chicago, IL 60638 from 6:30-8:30pm. Agenda coming soon.
Any changes to this date, time or location will be posted here and at both campuses 10 days prior to this date.